A Letter from the Editor

Esteemed journalist Philomena Capps, editor of the Leaky Quill, writes to her beloved readership
Dearest reader,
Much to my great pleasure, The Quill is purchased in all corners of all continents – whether you are reading our words in Boralus, or pondering our articles in Stormwind, I thank you for supporting this fine, great newspaper wherever you are.
This publication is built upon one great, honest value. Getting the stories that matter in the hands of our dear, dear readers. Azeroth is always awash with news, from the latest grim arrival in the Stockades, to the freshest victim torn apart by the feral worgen of Duskwood. Some of these tales border on fiction – and fiction is fun. Gossip is great.
We’d be lying to ourselves if we didn’t want the juicy details of why, when and where. Often, the ‘how’ simply isn’t important.
We at the Quill aim to bring you a delectable selection of what’s happening in our world, from the serious to the salacious.
Edward Rawling, journalist
For just seventy-five copper, you can continue to support a glorious establishment. From our headquarters in the capital, we entertain your wife, your neighbour – and even your girlfriend. Everybody’s reading us.
Our readership expands quarterly, so if you believe the Quill has brightened your life, pass this gift on to a friend.
- Note: We can also offer yearly subscriptions.
I am as open as my newspaper – if you wish to get in touch, particularly with a tip or story, please write in to our office.
Yours sincerely,
Editor of The Leaky Quill